
Discover / What do you believe in?

What do you believe in?

26 February 2021 – Author: Christopher Hansard

So, what are your beliefs based on?

This doesn't have to be a god, religion or philosophy. You may think that you believe in certain things, but if you dig deep, you may find that you actually believe in something different. You may find that you don’t know what you believe. 

If that is so, that's okay, a lack of belief is an opportunity to discover who you are.

Belief is what makes us who we are, for good, for bad, for something in between. Most people don't know what they believe, and they confuse beliefs with reactions, emotions and past experiences.

Your thoughts influence the way in which you create beliefs.

The way you respond to what you believe creates a foundation for the belief to become a powerful part of your physical, emotional and psychological reality.

Beliefs create your emotional and psychological identity. 

Each of us are a structure of beliefs; belief about our bodies, our minds, our lives.

 But what if these beliefs are found not to be true?

Often, when this happens, your life can fall apart, although shocking, you have an opportunity to recreate your life. You discover how to discard those beliefs you don't need.

You learn to keep what is important, and create new beliefs that enable you to live in a new and meaningful way. This at first takes courage and focus, but as you discover what you believe you also create a personal freedom and discover new ways to live.

About the author

Christopher Hansard

Christopher Hansard is a best selling author, online psychotherapist and the leading western practitioner of Tibetan medicine. Christopher has been a key note speaker at conferences and has led seminars and workshops around the world. He has twice spoken at the Oxford Union about Social Change and Mental Health. He runs a busy International online practice offering Online Psychotherapy and Tibetan Medicine.

About Christopher