
Online Psychotherapy

Online psychotherapy is not about re-training what you might think of as your 'normal' state of mind. It's more about understanding why you are here and what you want your life to mean or stand for. I will help guide you to create true change that will positively impact every aspect of your life, from relationships, career and money, to self-respect or simply the ability to get things done.

In my online psychotherapy practice I work with many people experiencing trauma. This ranges from severe physical injury, anxiety and chronic illness, to catastrophic events such as terrorism, domestic abuse and damaging childhood events. Traumatic thoughts and behaviours might also be attributed to unresolved thinking patterns, or sometimes not have any known cause.

I also work with the emotional and  psychological aspects of auto immune and neurological conditions, for example,MS (Multiple Sclerosis), as well as the emotional and psychological aspects of degenerative, infectious and tropical diseases and the short and long term emotional and psychological aspects of COVID 19. I also work with the emotional and psychological aspects of Amputation, Brain Injury, Cancers, Cerebal Palsy, Complex Pain Disorders, Dysphagia, Muscular Dystrophy, Osteoathritis, Parkinson's Disease, Spinal Cord Injury, Spine Pain, Stroke.

I also work with the short and long term emotional effects of online harassment, stalking and internet bullying. I assist my clients to free themselves  from the influence of online abuse.

Learn how to ‘be’ with yourself and see the big picture

I use various psychological methods, the main ones being: Mindfulness and Meditation for Trauma (MMT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT). These are designed to help you find the most direct route to managing current or past trauma.I also use DBT (Dialectical Behavioural Therapy), Behavioural Analysis (BA) and use Relational Frame theory (RFT) as part of my toolbox as an online psychotherapist.


Mindfulness & Meditation For Trauma

Mindfulness and Meditation for Trauma (MMT) helps you quickly and safely develop objectivity and freedom from anxiety and pain. It rapidly resets the way you relate to trauma – bringing you a sense of peace and calm. So as the emotional content of a traumatic incident fades, you find new ways of behaving and relating to the world – and restore your physical health and wellbeing.

This approach is simple to apply, and you don’t need any previous knowledge of mindfulness or meditation. By teaching you methods to practise between our weekly sessions, you make steady, measurable progress.


Acceptance and commitment therapy

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) teaches you to deal with painful challenges, situations, thoughts and feelings so they have much less influence. It uses acceptance and mindfulness, together with commitment and behaviour change strategies, to increase ‘psychological flexibility’. This means consciously connecting with the present moment. Learning how to make healthy contact with thoughts, feelings, memories and physical sensations that, until now, you have feared and avoided.

The most remarkable thing about ACT is that it does not aim to 'cure' issues directly – whether these are health, psychological, emotional or lifestyle related. As my client, you gain the skills to see situations from a new perspective – clarifying what is truly meaningful. ACT also addresses your level of commitment to making changes, and what to do if you can't stick to your goals.

ACT derives its name from one of its basic statements:

Accept those things that are beyond your direct and immediate personal control, and commit to action that improves and enriches your life.

It concentrates on three areas:

  1. Accept your reactions and be present
  2. Choose a valued path of action
  3. Take action

Maybe it’s a situation you feel powerless against. A negative personality trait that’s hard to change. Or an emotion that overwhelms you. Acceptance can allow you to move forward. Instead of obsessing, worrying and playing things over and over in your mind, ACT invites you to accept feelings or thoughts as they happen, allow yourself not to be good at everything and work constructively with what you have.

Recognise thoughts and feelings for what they really are with defusion

An important facet of ACT is learning how to make stressful experiences less stressful. Called 'defusion', this involves noticing fleeting physical sensations and the sometimes illogical or unreasonable things that we constantly tell ourselves. Then by recognising these for what they are – destructive ‘self-talk’ – we’re able to disconnect from them.

A few of my key defusion strategies include: finding out how you are 'communicating' with yourself as you experience negative thoughts and feelings. To be mindful of how you interpret them, and asking yourself if they’re actually based in reality.


Mindfulness based cognitive therapy

I also use Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) to help those with a history of depression. It’s a version of cognitive therapy that integrates mindfulness practices such as meditation with breathing exercises. These tools teach you how to break unhelpful and negative thought patterns, and prevent depression from becoming an overwhelming experience.

I offer once-a-week, two-hour MBCT sessions, as part of an eight to 12-week programme based on your needs and hoped-for outcomes. You learn meditation techniques, exercises to practise, as well as basic principles of the relationship between the way you think and how you feel about your depressive condition. My clients report that MBCT makes them feel more involved and in charge of the process in becoming well.